
  • ENDA Founded

    Enda founded by more than 100 Industrialists and businesspersons from Turkey’s Aegean Region in Izmir to operate solely in the energy sector.

  • GÖNEN HPP First Power Plant

    Concession agreement signed and investments started for Gönen HPP, the group’s first power plant.

  • EGENDA Founded

    Egenda founded with a capital of 5,000 TL in order to operate in the energy sector with a similar partnership structure as Enda Energy Holding.

  • GÖNEN HPP Operational

    The group’s first power plant Gönen HPP with capacity of 10.6 MW begins operation in March based on the Build-Operate-Transfer model.

  • Capital Increase

    License applications made to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority. ENDA capital increased to 3 million TL.

  • PAMUK HPP Operational

    The group’s second plant, Pamuk HPP begins commercial production in October with a capacity of 23.7 MW as an independent production company. Electrical power trading starts on the open market.

  • ÇAYGÖREN HPP and Antalya NGC operational

    The group’s third and fourth plants Çaygören HPP (4.6 MW) and Antalya Energy Cogeneration Plant (Phase 1, 34.9 MW) begins operation in June as independent production companies. ENDA capital increased to 26.6 million TL.

  • Capital and License Increase

    Production licenses obtained for Eğlence 1-2 HPP and Manavgat-2 HPP projects. ENDA capital increased to 60 million TL, EGENDA capital increased to 40 million TL.

  • Capacity Increase

    Antalya Energy (Phase 2) cogeneration plant capacity increase investment completed. The company resumed production with increased capacity (52.4 MW) as of June. Yaylaköy WPP project (15 MW) incorporated into the group. Production licenses obtained for remaining 4 WPP projects.

    Yaylaköy WPP project (15 MW) incorporated into the group. Production licenses obtained for remaining 4 WPP projects.

  • AKÇAY HPP Operational

    The group’s fifth plant, Akçay HPP (28.8 MW) begins commercial operation in August as an independent production company.

    Antalya Energy (Phase 3) cogeneration plant capacity increase investment completed. The company resumed commercial production with increased capacity (94.4 MW) as of August.

  • TUZLA GPP Operational

    The group’s sixth plant Tuzla Geothermal Energy Co. begins commercial operation in August with an installed capacity of 7.5 MW as an independent production company.

  • TIRENDA NGC Operational

    The group’s seventh plant Tirenda cogeneration plant begins commercial operation in December with an installed capacity of 58.4 MW as an independent production company.

  • Capital Increase

    Transmission line and connection agreements for WPP plants signed with Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. and respective investment contribution shares paid. ENDA capital increased to 105.75 million TL, EGENDA capital increased to 100 million TL

  • EĞLENCE I & II HPP Operational

    Turbine supplier and loan acquiring procedures for WPP projects completed. The group’s eighth and ninth plants Egenda/Eğlence-2 HPP (26 MW) and Egenda/Eğlence-1 HPP (42.7 MW) begins operation in April and June respectively as independent production companies.

  • License Extension

    The production license of the Akçay HPP extended from 40 to 49 years as per Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) Board’s decision Nr. 4962-9 on April 8th, 2014.

    An application is made to EMRA in May 2014 to extend the production licence for the Çaygören HPP from 35 to 49 years.

    The ministry grants preliminary project approvals for the WPP projects.

    Pamuk HPP sold on December 1st, 2014. EGENDA applied to become founding partner for Energy Market Operators Co.

  • Capital Increase

    Following a capital increase, Pamukova Electricity Production Co. became a partner in the company with a share of 21.45%. During the current term, Pamukova transferred 1.95% of its shares to Verusa Holding Co. while retaining a share of 19.50%. 4 license applications are made in April 2015 – 2 on behalf of Argenda Research Co and 2 on behalf of Resenda Electricity Co.

    Egenda Ege Energy Production Co. becomes a partner of EPIAS with 50,000 shares.

  • 5 WPP Operational

    5 wind power plants phased in (Yaylaköy, Germiyan, Urla, Alaçatı, Mordoğan).

    Solenda and Termenda merges with Enda using facilitated merging.

    After being operational since 2006, Antalya Energy Production Co license terminated at the end of 2016.

    ENSAT Electric Energy Supply Trade Co. founded in November 2016 to trade electricity at wholesale and to independent consumers.  


  • Capital Increase

    Enda’s capital increased from 234 m TL to 300 m TL.

    Argenda and Resenda merges with Enda using facilitated merging.

    After being operational since 2011, Tirenda NG plant’s production license was terminated on 31 May 2017.

    License termination procedure for Manavgat II HPP completed on 2 March 2017.

    Branch opening for 5 wind power plants and acquiring business license.

  • Transfer of Gönen HPP, SAP Live Transition

    Operational since 7 March 1998 based on the BOT model, Gönen HPP is handed over to the Privatisation Agency on 7 March 2018 after the expiration of its 20-year operation license.

    Capacity increase completed for Eğlence-1 HPP (26 MW to 27.2 MW) and Eğlence-2 HPP (42.7 MW to 43.50 MW).

    Enda transfers 90% of its shares in Su Energy and 50% of its shares in Yaylaköy to Egenda.

    All processes go live on the SAP system in scope of the first SAP S/4HANA Project in the energy sector.

  • ISO Quality Certification

    Enda Holding and subsidiary companies obtain ISO 9001 – ISO 45001- ISO 27001- ISO 50001- ISO 14001 and ISO 10002 Certification.

    The sales procedures for Antalya Energy Co. concluded at the end of the year. Gönen HPP company closes after liquidation.

    Application made to Capital Markets Board of Turkey (SPK) for a Public Offering.

  • Hybrid and Solar Power Plant

    Applications to increase capacity in our wind power plants and also the auxiliary hybrid solar power plant projects in all our existing power plants were made. In addition, the land for our new solar power plant project was purchased. Company subsidiary Tuzla GPP receives the Greenhouse Gas Carbon Footprint ISO 14064-1 certificate.